The most common type of gum disease is known as gingivitis or periodontitis.

Gum treatment can be applied in the early stages or advanced stages of gum diseases. Gum treatment is usually performed by a periodontologist and may include various methods.  

Among the methods used for gum treatment are:

Curettage: Plaque and inflamed tissues under the gingiva are removed with special tools.

Gum treatment: Medicines, special gels or toothpastes can be used for gums.

· Gum surgery: In advanced stages of gingival diseases, surgical methods can be applied.

Gum curettage, a dentistry for improving gingival health

is the procedure. This treatment is done in the early stages of gum diseases and

It is done for the purpose of pulling out or cleaning the bacteria and plaque in the gums.

During treatment, the dentist removes plaque and gingivitis around the teeth. Among the tools used during this process may be dental hand tools, ultrasonic devices or laser devices.

Gum diseases need to be treated gum diseases include gingivitis (gum
There are gingival diseases such as inflammation) and periodontitis (inflammation that causes tissue loss) and these should be treated. Thanks to these treatments, the gums become healthier and the loss of teeth is prevented. After the treatment, your dentist will advise you to brush, floss your teeth.
use or other recommendations for gum care.

After gingival treatment, regular dental check-ups and cleaning of teeth are important for the prevention of gingival diseases. In addition, it is important to go to regular dentist checks to be able to notice the early signs of gum disease and start treatment early.